Homemade Gluten Free Noodles & Chicken by Jacqueline Youngerman

Enjoy This Simple But Delicious Gluten Free Noodles & Chicken Recipe!

Homemade noodles and chicken.jpg


For noodles (This is for a single batch of noodles. I doubled this part for mine):

1 cup all-purpose GF flour (I used King Arthur GF all -purpose), sifted 

1 beaten egg

2 Tbsp milk (I used almond)

1/2 tsp salt


For soup:

1 baked chicken (I used ~2 lbs of chicken breast, sautéed in bacon grease, salt, and pepper) 

8 cups chicken stock (since I doubled the noodles, I added 2 more cups, bringing the total to 10 cups)

1 onion, chopped

2 carrots, sliced

2 stalks celery, chopped

Salt and pepper to taste


Put sifted flour in a bowl. Beat eggs with milk and salt. Make a small hole in the middle of the flour, pour egg mixture in hole and mix with fork. Mixing flour will be sticky, add more flour, if needed. Add flour to hands and knead dough in the bowl until it comes together. Turn dough onto floured surface and roll out dough. Let dry for 20 minutes.

While dough is resting, sauté onions, carrots, and celery in bacon grease in a Dutch oven. When softened, add chicken broth and bring to a boil.

After 20 minutes, cut dough into strips to make the noodles. Drop noodles into boiling water and cook uncovered for 10 to 15 minutes. During last 5 or so minutes, add chicken to pot to warm through.

This can also be made with beef!